07-09-2020 NorthFin wins Brand of the Year Award for 2021-2022
07-04-2019 NorthFin wins Brand of the Year Award for 2019-2020
Northfin Inc. of Toronto, Canada is excited to share the news that NorthFin has won Brand of the Year (National Tier) in The Animalis edition of the prestigious World Branding Awards in a glittering ceremony held at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna, Austria recently. We would like to acknowledge and thank all of our customers, distributor/retail partners, suppliers and many dedicated supporters who have helped make this very special achievement possible. For more information about the press release for the awards, please click the button below.
NorthFin World Branding Award Acceptance Video:
05-20-2021 NorthFin welcomes Ming Trading LLC as newest Midwest USA distributor
NorthFin is pleased to announce our newest U.S. authorized distributor partner to join our team. Ming Trading LLC, established in 2013, is a Chicago, Illinois based distributor that specializes in offering an expanding catalog of aquatic supplies and pond equipment. NorthFin recognizes the importance of a balanced distribution model for our premium brand in the USA and we look forward to working with Peter at Ming Trading to serve aquatics retailers and their customers in the Midwest region of America.
02-15-2019 NorthFin welcomes Jim Cumming as International Brand Ambassador
Northfin Inc. of Toronto, Canada is delighted to announce that fellow Canadian, Jim Cumming of Winnipeg, Manitoba has agreed to be their international ambassador for the NorthFin™ brand. The development and vision of NorthFin was rooted by it’s founder Darius Chodocinskas to explore new and better ways of creating an ornamental fish food of the finest quality. Similarly, a passionate pursuit is being established by Jim who has been keeping tropical fish for 65 years. Other than a 15-year sojourn into the world of killifish (his online name is ‘notho2000’) he has kept and presently keeps Central and South American cichlids, and currently devotes about one third of his 40 aquarium fish room to Madagascan cichlids and the Etroplus genus from India. Jim has made presentations to over 30 cichlid and generalist aquarium societies throughout the US and Canada over the last three years and in the Spring of 2018, was invited to Berlin and Dresden, Germany where he presented on Madagascan and South American cichlids to the German Cichlid Association (DCG). Other speaking engagements included the International Cichlid Conference in Brisbane, Australia in November 2018, the upcoming Nordic Cichlid Association in Uppsala, Sweden in March 2019, and the ACA Convention in Cromwell, Connecticut in July 2019. Jim has never turned down an invitation to speak other than for a conflict of dates. Over the last 10 years, Jim has become captivated by the magical cichlids from Madagascar. They have certainly ‘supercharged’ his passion for the cichlid keeping hobby. Jim has had extensive collecting experience in Mexico, Belize, Cuba, and Brazil as well as the Southern U.S. He maintains a very active YouTube channel with around 680 videos as of September 2018, highlighting the fish he keeps or has kept. The emphasis is on maintenance and breeding, along with social interactions, both con and hetero-specific. Jim has been a moderator for several on-line forums and several Facebook aquatic interest groups and maintains a Facebook site solely devoted to fish and their conservation. Jim has had articles published in Amazonas and Cichlid News magazines. He is also is an American cichlid Association Speaker, as well as a Madagascan cichlid Species Specialist and speaker for the CARES Preservation program. He also has been actively involved in the local Aquarium Society of Winnipeg, where he served for many years as Program Chair, Journal Editor, and President. He enthusiastically looks forward to spreading the word on Madagascar and its cichlids, as well as on variety of other hobby-based topics wherever and whenever he can. Visit www.northfin.com or stay tuned to our Facebook page (NorthFin Fish Foods) to hear about upcoming speaking engagements by Jim that may be near you or recent cool and informative videos he has shared on YouTube. We are sincerely appreciative to Jim for bringing awareness of the NorthFin brand to his audiences worldwide and look forward to this meaningful and enjoyable partnership.